Tuesday 29 January 2013

Rheeven Redesign

I'm going to get Rheeven done first since he's one of the three main characters. As far as the original design for Rheeven goes, I really loved his outfit and how pointed his face was. But I felt he was too good looking. I wanted Rheeven to be a plain looking kind of guy to suit his struggle to be noticed as brilliant, rather than a handsome brain-box that could melt a heart from a mile off. 
As always the first step in the redesign was to change his proportions. I made him more slender and, in terms of my style, gave him long legs (which I may yet lengthen further). I kept his outfit and toyed with giving him knee-high boots, but given that his bodyguard is going to have thigh-high boots I felt that that was plenty boot to be getting along with. So shoes it was. The hair is a more simplified, cartoon version of the original so there’s not much to be said about it. Next was the face. I completely changed it making him look plain. A long face, thick wide set eyebrows, a long nose, a pointed chin and a dimple are the main features defining his character. I will be changing his blue eyes to green or grey (which will depend entirely upon what colour I give D'rosk's) and I've kept his glasses.

So what are your thoughts?

Rheeven Lo

Rheeven Lo For The Hadron Gateway


  1. he reminds me of giles from Buffy. Longer lets would work also

  2. I've never watched Buffy. Is that a good thing? I'll have to google him! :)
