Tuesday 29 April 2014

Fresh updates!

Well it’s been over a month since I finished Rheeven's script (not counting three endings which can’t be written until I'm sure of D'rosk's). I've been spending the time pondering over D'rosk's story and it’s all piecing together quite nicely. I had hoped to have it all in place by the time I'd finished Rheeven's but unfortunately its a process that I cant hurry; it happens in its own time and I just have to deal with it. 
The result of this break from writing is that I've been doing artwork and character design whilst listening to inspirational music. And at some point along the way I designed Laythan’s mum. She's Asian which means Laythan has been given a change in skin colour and he's looking much better for it if I'm honest. The colour scheme works very nicely.

Laythan for Hadron Gateway

So what do you think?
I'll need to do an update on all images containing him but I think its well worth it.