Thursday, 16 October 2014

Where to Begin...

As usual I've gotten so absorbed by the project that I've not posted in a long time. At least you know that a long pause means I'm busy making progress - it’s if I post regularly that you should start worrying!

The result of such a long gap means I've got so much to post that I won’t be putting it all into this one, so don’t worry if it seems like less than you were expecting.

To start off with, I've managed to plough my way through about 1/5th of D'rosk's story and it’s looking not bad so far. There are a few scenes that need changed to include important information, better character development and fewer words but overall the picture is taking shape. Poor D'rosk has already had a fair share of action and close shaves and the pace is about to race ahead as his life get out of control. I think the peripheral characters all need work especially one particular who I want to put a lot more focus on because she’s too good to leave out.
Her name is Zohari and she’s going to be D'rosk's biggest challenge because shes both physically and intellectually sharp with a huge amount of armed and political power behind her. Assassinating her is going to prove so much harder than D'rosk first thought.


Zohari for Hadron Gateway

Her design is meant to reflect her toughness so I went for a build that makes her look as if she could snap D'rosk like a twig whilst still looking feminine and not comically huge. She's from a very hot climate (hence the shorts) and her colour scheme was meant to reflect that warmth. I haven’t completed her in full shadow and soft shading because I only really need her as a guide for when I come to illustrate the full project, so I'll not be uploading a finished piece.
What do you think of Zohari?

Next on the list is the doodles I've been doing the past few days. Now that I have designed a large portion of the characters, my next challenge is making sure I can draw them accurately from every angle, in every expression and that can only be done with time and practice until it becomes natural. I think I've managed to pin down the majority and instinctively made little tweaks to them. Some of the sketches are very loose and aren’t entirely accurate.

Doodle 1 from left to right: 1. Jen showing the amateurs who’s boss (Yes, I need to brush up on weapon designs). 2. D'rosk discussing a serious problem. 3. Laythan very upset. 4. Ravvi (D'rosk's bodyguard), looking mischievous.

Doodle 1 for Hadron Gateway
Doodle 2: Avio winding Rheeven up while Rheeven is having none of it. Proportionally, Rheeven’s legs are tiny but otherwise they're looking good.

Doodle 2 for Hadron Gateway

Doodle 3: Denji scarpering after no doubt wreaking havoc. I can imagine the sounds of intruder alarms going off behind him.

Doodle 3 for Hadron Gateway

 Doodle 4 from left to right, top to bottom: 1. Stubborn Laythan, exactly as he'd look with a gun to his head. 2. Cruel Code-Spawn. 3. Uneasy Rheeven (his eyes are a little far up his face and his hairline isn't quite right). 4. D'rosk mid-spiel looking none too impressed. 5. Nile looking ever ready to take on the world. 6. Filo as happy as ever. 7. Zohari presenting a pleasant appearance, letting nothing on.

Doodle 4 for Hadron Gateway
Doodle 5 from left to right top to bottom: 1. Myatt unimpressed with Laythan, Jen's and Denji's misadventures. 2. Rheeven in immediate peril. 3. D'rosk treating Ravvi to a well deserved scowl. 4. Faolon spotting something amiss. 5. Caelin looking as innocent as ever. 6. Faolon smiling down on Rheeven. 7. Laythan upon running into a room full of whiptail hounds. 8. Rheeven having to repeat himself for the thousandth time. 9. Nile watching Rheeven, Filo and Avio mess arround.

Doodle 5 for Hadron Gateway

Doodle 6 from left to right: 1. Filo winding up Rheeven. 2. Myatt angry 3. Leeya unimpressed

Doodle 6 for Hadron Gateway

Doodle 7: 1. Lonyo discussing something serious. 2. Laythan spotting something that will lead to mischief. 3. Nile and Rheeven ducked behind a wall.

Doodle 7 for Hadron Gateway

 Doodle 8: Rheeven (without his glasses) looking up at Avio

Doodle 8 for Hadron Gateway
Now that I've done these I've realised that the expression sheets that I made for Laythan and Rheeven (the ones that go in beside the textbox like this) are relatively quite weak despite being accurately drawn. I could easily push them further but redoing them will take up more time so I'm currently undecided.
At least I can say for certain that I'm drawing them more accurately with increasing ease which will lend a big hand when I come to illustrate the full game.
Your thoughts on the doodles?

I will update again soon with more of the stuff you've missed out on!


  1. You're really good at expression and movement. I love Zohari's design and Ravvi too. Looking forward to seeing all the new designs for the third installment.

  2. You wont have to wait too much longer! I've taken a break fom the characters to work on the settings so I can get a better feel for where they come from. Once I'm done with that it will be back on to the characters and writing
