Sunday, 25 August 2013

Shooting Forward!

I've gone and done it again... gotten so distracted by the work that I've forgot to keep everyone updated on it. And now I don't even know where to begin!
I'm now about two thirds of the way though Rheeven's path and its coming along just great. I had to abandon it for a few weeks to refresh myself from writers block, but I got back at it again and it’s running smoothly. Poor Rheeven is currently in over his head and getting a little roughed up in what is going to be a very exciting scene for all of you. I should show him a little mercy really... but where is the fun in that? He's got some big challenges facing him and its going to get tense!

The word count is currently at 63741 and is turning out much higher than I'd anticipated. I suppose stories have a habit of running away with you when you enjoy them so much. Luckily I've been sure to make sure every word counts and has you hurtling forward desperately wanting to know what happens next.

As for the artwork I have so much that I haven't shown you yet! I've designed and coloured Count Oren Avio who appears in all three stories and features mostly in Rheeven's. I also completed D'rosk but I have a sneaking suspicion that his head is a little too big for the design. I can upload him once I've toyed around with it a little. I designed Rheeven's party outfit however his necktie needs a quick edit. Then there's Sayjan, one of Rheeven's accomplices. I was unfortunate enough to have his file corrupt on me and all I had to work with was a flat version but I managed to complete him regardless. Since he's relevant to the path I'm writing now and he’s been such a pain I thought I'd show him first.

Sayjan Zueda

Sayjan Zueda For The Hadron Gateway

Sayjan is from Rheeven's story and he's Code-Kind, hence his blue skin, fumes and inbuilt mechanics. (For anyone unsure as to what Code-Kind actually means have a look at Cakes, Counts andCode-Spawn. the explanation starts at the third paragraph.)
Like the rest of his race, he's skinny, eyebrow-less, small nosed and pointy eared. I found that giving him a personality without the use of normal eyes and eyebrows was more difficult than I'd first thought but I think I got his kind nature across regardless. Because of his blue skin, I felt limited with colour and decided to keep his clothes fairly plain with the odd splash of orange and red to bring it out. I gave him a long scarf to bring the whole thing together and it should add drama flying around in the action scenes. 

As I'm sure you noticed, there’s a large squiggle behind his head. I had planned for something a little more aesthetically pleasing to make his hair visible and I'd only placed it there temporarily while I did the smoke. Unfortunately I can’t get rid of it since the file flattened so you'll have to put up with it. I'm sure it could have been worse. 

So what do you think of my first Code-Kind design?

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