So, this time round I have two images of the same character. The first is a
redesign and the second is her outfit for the party scene. You might be
wondering why I seem so interested in the party scene, but I can assure you its
not for no good reason - it just so happens to be where some of the characters
converge and interact making it a really interesting part of the story.
Anyway... allow me to present Nile Castaneda:
Nile Castaneda
Nile corresponds to the second in from the
right on Design Sheet 1 on the original designs. She plays the part of Rheeven's bodyguard
and I wanted her outfit to reflect that. I chose dark clothes that wouldn’t
snag on anything, keeping it roughly to the same idea as the original but with
a more practical look. I liked the yellow because it stopped the design from
looking too black and colourless so I kept that in. I liked her being curvy because
I felt it gave her a tougher look which is exactly what she needs. The hair was
already had a nice cut so I simply translated it over into my illustration
style and altered the colour a touch to match her skin. As I've said before, I
felt that the original cast weren’t varied enough so I gave Nile
a more olive skin tone to vary things up a bit.
The main change was her face. I gave her a diamond face shape, slanted eyes
and a button nose with full lips to give her a sharp look. The tough bodyguard
look matches her personality and I'm very pleased with the way this turned out.
For Nile's party outfit I designed a very enhancing
dress that exaggerates her lovely figure whilst still looking classy. Like with
the others, I chose the colour based on her casual clothes but unlike the
others this has a detailed pattern and sparkles to make it stand out. I didn’t
want to give her too many accessories because I felt like it might drown out
the detail on the dress so I complemented it with full length gloves instead.
The style of the dress also has the added bonus of allowing her to conceal
weapons under the material on her hips, much to her delight. As for her hair, I
was a little stumped. There's really not a whole lot I could do with that sort
of hair style so instead I went for an accessory rather than an updo.
I think it’s a lovely outfit and fits in nicely with her overall look.
So what do you think of Nile?